Thursday, October 11, 2018

Picture In A Bottle

We have all seen the ship in a bottle kits that you can buy and assemble, but has anyone ever seen a picture in a bottle?  It is not known where Dilmon Owens, who lived in the Smoky community, learned how to make this seventy seven years ago but the process is amazing.  He began by carving the frame in separate pieces with a pocket knife.  Then he inserted each piece into the empty liquor bottle individually and assembled the frame using crude wire tools of his own making.  Next he selected a photograph of three of his children to put inside.  He rolled the picture up, put it into the bottle, then unrolled it using the same tools.  He added the top of the frame and the brace last.  The Owens children featured in the bottle, from oldest to youngest are Alma, Thelma, and Odis. 

Dilmon Owens, who made the picture in the bottle shown here, used a photograph of his children Alma, Thelma, and Odis, oldest to youngest.  Odis Owens, son of Dilmon Owens, is now seventy seven years old.

One cannot help but wonder if Dilmon Owens was breaking the law by using a liquor bottle for this interesting trinket.  The shoulder of the bottle states, "FEDERAL LAW FORBIDS SALE OR RE-USE OF THIS BOTTLE."

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