Wednesday, May 30, 2018

"Soldier's Sacrifice" Jasper York

Did you know that it has been one hundred years since the United States entered World War I? The "war to end all wars" soon came to a community known as Scott County and many men went to Europe to serve their country. The museum will take time to feature the twenty one men who sacrificed their lives while in the service.

First we will feature Jasper York. York was born in December of 1892 in the Cordell community of Scott County, close to Byrges Creek United Baptist Church. Jasper York entered the service and rose to the rank of sergeant. He died of pneumonia contracted after having Spanish Flu before being shipped to the battlefields of Europe on February 9, 1918. He was twenty five years old. York's body was returned to Scott County and he was buried in the York family cemetery, now a secluded area in the Bull Creek community. 

Photos courtesy of

Jasper York in his WWI uniform

Jasper York in civilian clothes

Jasper York tombstone

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