Thursday, May 31, 2018

WWI Wound Certificate

This certificate was awarded to the family of Private Hugh T. Lewallen, who lived in the Glenmary community, upon his death in World War One. Lewallen was serving in the Argonne Forrest in France and died on October 6, 1918 only two days before another East Tennessean named Alvin C. York would win the Congressional Medal of Honor for his valor on the same battlefield. Hugh Lewallen was only 23 years old. Lewallen's body was returned to the United States and he was buried in the Archie Lewallen Cemetery in Glenmary. This most interesting certificate is known as the Lady Columbia Wound Certificate and was given to the wounded and killed of World War One. The Purple Heart, while established by George Washington, was not given out in large quantities until 1932 when congress reintroduced it. The men who possessed this certificate were eligible for the Purple Heart after 1932. 

 Note: the original certificate can be found at the Scott County Historical Society.
This Lady Columbia Wound Certificate is featured in our new exhibit "Death and Dying in Scott County". The original can be viewed at the Scott County Historical Society.

Hugh Taylor Lewallen was a World War One soldier from Scott County who died in service at the Argonne Forrest.  He was 23 years old.

Hugh Lewallen's Tombstone in Glenmary

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