Thursday, May 31, 2018

WWII Ration Book

Ration books containing stamps like these were issued to civilians on the home front during the second world war. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. Government began rationing goods so that there was plenty of material to send to the fighting men across the ocean. These books were issued to citizens and contained stamps that rationed out how much food, gasoline, and tires a family was allotted. These stamps did not pay for the goods, like food stamps, but allowed every family to get a fair share of rationed items.

Ration books like these were used by civilians during WWII to claim their portion of rationed goods.

This ration stamp for sugar ensured that it was only being used for home canning of fruit and required a signature.

Ration stamps for coffee.

Poster explaining how to use ration stamps when purchasing goods.

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